Tuning spaces from the Bischl (2023) article.
Bischl B, Binder M, Lang M, Pielok T, Richter J, Coors S, Thomas J, Ullmann T, Becker M, Boulesteix A, Deng D, Lindauer M (2023). “Hyperparameter Optimization: Foundations, Algorithms, Best Practices and Open Challenges.”
kknn tuning space
k \([1, 50]\) Logscale
distance \([1, 5]\)
kernel [“rectangular”, “optimal”, “epanechnikov”, “biweight”, “triweight”, “cos”, “inv”, “gaussian”, “rank”]
ranger tuning space
mtry.ratio \([0, 1]\)
replace [TRUE,FALSE]
sample.fraction \([0.1, 1]\)
num.trees \([1, 2000]\)
rpart tuning space
minsplit \([2, 128]\) Logscale
minbucket \([1, 64]\) Logscale
cp \([1e-04, 0.1]\) Logscale